Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dear my 2 march..

Dear my 2 macrh…

Back from cytogenetic lab today, I felt so tired. Not because of I did not take any lunch. But because my heart is going to give up. Tired towards giving up. Like want to sleep… I cannot control my feeling. That’s the worse things that I have done.
“Everything is all about your emotion.”

"What happened to you is not as important as what happened in you!", kata John C. Maxwell.

Hidayah hanya datang daripada Allah… Walau usaha hingga ke hujung nyawa, namun kita mesti sedar Allahlah sebaik-sebaik perancang dan pelaksana. Yang penting doa dan tawakkal.

Amalkan ayat Toha : 1-5

Maybe there are wisdoms hiding in all these. I must thank to them for giving me this kind of Tarbiyah. Love you 2 march.

JANGAN KECIL HATI. Kita kan hamba!

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